FRIDAY SPECIAL!! Snacks and drinks will be sold at the front of the school beginning Friday, Sept 17 from 1:30 to 2:00. Prices range from $.50 to $2. This is a fundraiser to buy a Book Vending Machine for RCA!
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
snack foods
Parent Night is this Thursday, Sept 16 at 5 p.m. Kindergarten classes will recite Nursery Rhymes then a magician will do a magic show! ALL parents, students and families are welcome. The Kinder class with the most students present will win an ice cream party!!
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
parent night sign
ADULT English classes are Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. with daycare provided. Classes start Sept 13. Las clases de inglés para ADULTOS son los lunes y miércoles de 6: 00-7: 00 p.m. con cuidado de niños proporcionado. Las clases comienzan el 13 de septiembre
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
English on blackboard
Parent night is coming up on Thursday, September 16 at 5 p.m. Mark your calendars! The evening will include Kindergarten classes performing Nursery Rhymes followed by a professional MAGIC SHOW! Yay! It will be a fun night for all our families!
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
Would you like to be involved in our Kids First Committee (also known as SAC)? The purpose of this committee is to encourage communication between our principal, parents, and community members. The SAC serves in an advisory role to the principal for prioritizing spending, matters of student achievement and student learning. We would love to have more input from parents. The next meeting is Wednesday, Sept 8 at 11:00 a.m.
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
People conversing
Starting tomorrow (August 31, 2021) masks will required for students and staff while inside the school building, in alignment with District 11's policy. This decision is in response to the El Paso County Public Health COVID community transmission rate now surpassing the District’s 200/100K threshold for elementary grades. Please remember to send your student to school with a mask.
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Remember: Tomorrow from 5:00-6:00 is Open House at RCA. Stop by, meet your students' teachers, and check out some of the cool new stuff we have in the building -- like our new art room!
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Art Room
Art Room
Art Room
Art Room
Please consider donating gently used uniform clothes to RCA when your students outgrow them. We use these for kids who need an emergency change in the middle of the day. We especially need clothes for boys in all sizes. Thank you RCA family!
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
kids in school uniform
Remember tomorrow is Red Day for our Kindergarteners!
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
It was exciting to hop back into the swing of school today! We hope everyone had a happy #FirstDay!
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Kindergarten First Day
We are excited to kick off the new school year with your children and can’t wait to see their smiles at our Meet the Teacher event on August 6th from 1:30 until 3:00. To celebrate the occasion, we will have a bouncy house, Sno-Cone truck, face painting, building tours and much more for everyone to participate in. Over the past year, we have worked hard to grow our programs and upgrade our school to ensure that your children have access to optimal learning experiences in an environment that supports the needs of contemporary learners. From new classrooms, furniture, and hallway learning centers to enrichment programs that focus on student interest and a progressive Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) program to provide intervention in the areas of Math, Reading, and Behavior, Roosevelt Charter Academy can now offer instructional settings that truly foster the growth and achievement gains necessary to be successful in today’s world! We look forward to a new year of adventures in learning with you as our partners in the process.
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Come to Meet the Teacher Day, Friday Aug 9 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. and enter your student's name in a raffle to win a free RCA shirt! One name will be drawn from each grade level. See you on Friday!
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
Tie dye shirt w/ RCA Logo
Meet the Teacher Day is Friday, Aug 6, 1:30 - 3:00 First Day of School is Monday, Aug. 9, 7:25 - 3:30
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
Back to School
District 11 is providing meals to ALL students for this school year regardless of Free or Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) status for the 2021-2022 school year. However, you should still complete an application to obtain FRL status. Benefits to filling out the FRL application may include: • Reduced fees for athletics and other non-school programs • Increased funding for your schools • Possible P-EBT food benefits (Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer), a debit card preloaded with funds to cover free meals not received due to school closures) You will need to qualify for Free or Reduced-Price meals to qualify for any possible P-EBT benefits for this school year. You may fill out an application online at
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
boy with school lunch
SCHOOL UNIFORMS RCA will continue to use uniforms Monday – Thursday this year. When surveyed, almost 80% of parents wanted to keep the uniform. Uniform colors are black, white, blue (any shade) and khaki/tan. Clothing with the RCA logo (Spirit Wear) are also acceptable. UNIFORMES ESCOLARES RCA seguirá usando uniformes de lunes a jueves de este año. Cuando se les encuestó, casi el 80% de los padres querían quedarse con el uniforme. Los colores uniformes son negro, blanco, azul (cualquier tono) y caqui/beige. La ropa con el logo de RCA (Spirit Wear) también es aceptable.
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
school uniforms
IMPORTANT DATES! July 27-29: Check-In for returning students, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. August 6: Meet the Teachers, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. August 9: First day of classes
over 3 years ago, Ruthie
Back to School
JUMP START: July 6th – 23rd Monday-Friday 7:45 to 11:30. La escuela de verano 2: Fechas: 6-9 de julio, 12-16, y 19-23 de julio, 2021 7:45 – 11:30.
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Get ready for Prime Day! Sign up for AmazonSmile and select Roosevelt Charter Academy as your preferred charity at Remember to shop for deals at, or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon app, and AmazonSmile will donate to us at no cost to you.
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Prime Day @ Roosevelt
Tomorrow, June 9th, the open space behind Roosevelt will be closed for aeration and grass seeding. The field will need to stay closed to the public for at least two weeks (until June 23rd) to ensure that we have grounds that are usable and inviting for our school and whole community for the rest of the year! The playground will remain open to everyone during that time!
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
To all students who have registered for summer school: Summer School begins Monday, June 7th with free breakfast at 7:45 a.m. outside at the main entrance. Pick-up time is 11:30 a.m. Students will receive a free grab-n-go lunch as they leave. Classes meet Monday-Friday. See you on the 7th!
over 3 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy