Tomorrow (Thursday) is our Pennies from Heaven coin toss. Toss a coin and make a wish! Bring in your change and support the HERO SQUAD for Pennies for Patients.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Raining Pennies into umbrella
PLANIFICAR EL FUTURO: El lunes 8 de marzo es un día laboral para maestros en RCA. No habrá clases, en línea o en persona, para estudiantes. SÍ, tendremos clases el martes 9 de marzo, aunque es posible que otras escuelas del distrito 11 no lo tengan. Consulta su calendario escolar.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
PLANNING AHEAD: Monday, March 8, is a teacher workday at RCA. There will be no classes, online or in person, for students. We DO have classes on Tuesday, March 9 although other schools in District may not. Check your school calendar.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
As part of our annual Pennies for Patients fundraiser, today is Dollar Day! Bring in your donations today!
almost 4 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Pennies for Patients
As part of our annual Pennies for Patients fundraiser, today is Quarter Day! Bring in your donations today!
almost 4 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Pennies for Patients
Due to inclement weather today, February 25th, in-person classes are canceled. All students can access remote learning materials for today at
almost 4 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
As part of our annual Pennies for Patients fundraiser, today is Dime Day! Bring in your donations today!
almost 4 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Pennies for Patients
Tomorrow is Dime day for Pennies for Patients. Bring in your dimes and/or other change. There are extra donation forms in the office. We appreciate your support!
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Pennies for Patients Piggy Bank
As part of our annual Pennies for Patients fundraiser, today is Nickel Day! Bring in your donations today!
almost 4 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Pennies for Patients
As part of our annual Pennies for Patients fundraiser, today is Penny Day! Bring in your donations today!
almost 4 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
Pennies for Patients
Due to inclement weather, D11 schools are on a two hour delay, Thursday February 18, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Callanan
Thursday, February 18 is a FREE NO UNIFORM DAY at RCA. Students may wear clothing of their choice as long as it meets our dress code guidelines. El jueves 18 de febrero es un DÍA GRATIS SIN UNIFORME en RCA. Los estudiantes pueden usar ropa de su elección, siempre que cumpla con las pautas del código de vestir.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Happy kids
THIS WEEKEND -- FOUR DAYS OFF! Friday, February 12 and Monday, February 15 are holidays for RCA students in celebration of Lincoln’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day. If you have students in other D-11 schools, please check their calendars as their schedule may be different from ours. See you on Tuesday! ESTE FIN DE SEMANS— ¡CUATRO DIAS LIBRES! El viernes 12 de febrero y el lunes 15 de febrero serán feriados para los estudiantes de RCA en celebración del Cumpleaños de Lincoln y el Día de los Presidentes. Si tiene estudiantes en otras escuelas de D-11, consulte sus calendarios ya que su horario puede ser diferente al nuestro. ¡Nos vemos el martes!
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Presidents Lincoln and Washington
Orders for our Winter Fundraiser must be turned in by Tuesday, February 16 with payment included. Remember, we have a 4-day weekend so students could spend some time contacting family and friends about making a purchase and supporting our school in this way. Los pedidos para nuestra Recaudación de Fondos del Invierno deben entregarse el martes, 16 de febrero, con el pago incluido. Recuerde, tenemos un fin de semana de 4 días y los estudiantes puedan dedicar un tiempo a comunicarse con familiares y amigos para hacer una compra y apoyar a nuestra escuela de esta manera.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Cookies and Treats
We have a diverse group of students participating in Student Council/Student Leadership this year. Ms. Jones, the staff sponsor, says it is great to have input from the many facets of our RCA community. One of the responsibilities of Student Council members is to make announcements and lead the Pledge of Allegiance and Class Pledge for the entire student body over the school’s PA system every morning. Tenemos un grupo diverso de estudiantes que participan en el Consejo Estudiantil/Liderazgo Estudiantil este año. La Srta. Jones, la miembro del personal que patrocina el consejo, dice que es genial tener aportes de las muchas facetas de nuestra comunidad de RCA. Una de las responsabilidades de los miembros del Consejo de Estudiantes es hacer anuncios y dirigir el Juramento a la Bandera y el Compromiso de Clase para todo el cuerpo estudiantil a través del sistema de PA de la escuela todas las mañanas.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Student Leadership sign
Student Council members
Student Council members
Student Council members
NEXT Weekend—Two days off! Friday, February 12 and Monday, February 15 will be holidays for RCA students in celebration of Lincoln’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day. If you have students in other D-11 schools, please check their calendars as their schedule may be different from ours. El PRÓXIMO fin de semana — ¡Dos días libres! El viernes 12 de febrero y el lunes 15 de febrero serán feriados para los estudiantes de RCA en celebración del Cumpleaños de Lincoln y el Día de los Presidentes. Si tiene estudiantes en otras escuelas de D-11, consulte sus calendarios ya que su horario puede ser diferente al nuestro.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Presidents Washington & Lincoln
Our Winter Fundraiser is now underway in celebration of Roosevelt Charter Academy’s 25th year serving our community! Please encourage your students to try to sell the sweet and savory treats featured in the brochures to family and friends. With your help we will raise funds for essential programs, technology, supplies, field trips and/or equipment not currently funded through traditional means. Orders must be turned in by Tuesday, February 16 with delivery expected on March 2. Thank you for supporting RCA in this way. ¡Nuestra Recaudación de Fondos de Invierno ya está en marcha para celebrar el 25º año de Roosevelt Charter Academy sirviendo a nuestra comunidad! Anime a sus estudiantes a tratar de vender a familiares y amigos los dulces y salados que se presentan en los folletos . Con su ayuda, recaudaremos fondos para programas esenciales, tecnología, suministros, excursiones y/o equipo que actualmente no se financia a través de medios tradicionales. Los pedidos deben entregarse antes del martes 16 de febrero y la entrega se espera para el 2 de marzo. Gracias por apoyar a RCA de esta manera.
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
Cookies and Treats
Yesterday, our Life Skills class celebrated Groundhog day by learning about groundhogs, the funny tradition of Groundhog Day and making Groundhog Day hats. Looks like they had fun!
almost 4 years ago, Ruthie
3 boys on playground equipment
Two boys with Groundhog hats
A boy with Happy Groundhog Day hat
Please remember that Roosevelt Charter Academy DOES have classes on Mondays!
about 4 years ago, Ruthie
This week we start our fundraiser for our 25th anniversary! Learn more here:
about 4 years ago, Roosevelt Charter Academy
25 Years